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Since 2010 I've worked as a journalist and filmmaker in Asia, producing documentary, print, web, radio and TV news coverage for many of the world's leading news organisations (see clients below).  I've produced award-winning coverage on a raft of topics including human rights abuses, modern day slavery, corruption, labour exploitation and environmental crimes.

I started my career as a video editor and have maintained a passion for learning and applying creative technologies to journalism. But first and foremost I'm a content focused journalist, having cut my teeth as an investigative print reporter in Cambodia before moving fulltime into documentary film production. I currently work for Al Jazeera's flagship Asia Pacific news and current affairs programme 101 East.

David Boyle clients


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Forced to Scam:
Cambodia's Cyber Slaves

101 East investigates human trafficking and enslavement by Chinese cyber scam operations in Cambodia and their links to the government and elite.


Thailand's Fearless Cop

101 East investigates allegations that powerful political figures in Thailand sabotaged a landmark human trafficking case

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Myanmar: State of Fear

101 East uncovers a secret interrogation centre in Myanmar and investigates Western companies that have sold surveillance technology to the country.

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Australia's China Dream

101 East investigates why the relationship between Australia and China has hit rock bottom and meets the individuals paying the price.


Young, Black and Behind Bars

Indigenous Western Australians are arguably the most jailed people in the world. 101East visits the state’s prisons and police to meet those on the frontlines of an incarceration crisis.

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Thailand's Last Resort

101 East asks why more and more families from Europe, UK and Australia are sending their elderly to care homes in Thailand to live out their dying days

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Cambodia's Casino Gamble

101 East investigates the growing criminal underbelly of a new Chinese casino empire in Cambodia.

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Plundering Cambodia's Forests

They’re some of the last remaining evergreen forests on the Indochina peninsula. But they’re being plundered by private companies and timber tycoons. 101East investigates deforestation in Cambodia:

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Thailand's Rebel Artists

101 East meets Thailand’s artists who are fighting back against censorship and military rule.

Print journalism

Selected stories

Logging in the wild west - David Boyle

Logging in the wild west

A field investigation uncovers a vast, military-run illegal logging operation worth millions inside a protected forest as those tasked with guarding the area watch on.

Giving more thatn 100%. David Boyle

Giving more than 100%

Analysis of leaked population data reveals widespread over registration of voters ahead of the 2013 election raising serious questions about potential rigging of the ballot.

Never ending cycle - David Boyle

Never ending cycle:

The human cost of slave labour

Travelling across Cambodia, we uncover a sickening crime in which the families of slave labourers are extorted out of everything they own just to get their loved ones back.

Kratie cut to shreds - David Boyle

Kratie cut to shreds

They're brazen, ruthless and consider themselves untouchable. With no one to stop them, Cambodia's timber barons are wiping entire protected areas off the map. 

Maid firm exposed

Reporters expose a labour recruitment firm crammed with underage trainees held against their will in a story that directly preceded the closure of the industry.

Render unto the CPP - David Boyle

Render unto the CPP

They are supposed to follow the "the middle way" and stay out of politics. But as the moral nucleus of almost every Cambodian village, monks hold coveted political capital and are tightly controlled by the CPP. 

Recent articles

More features

More investigations

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Print journalism

Single Operator Video journalism

Selected videos

Virtual Angkor and other

3D time travel trips

Phnom Penh transforming overnight with foreign investment - David Boyle

Two Australian 3D development teams are pioneering experiences taking us back into ancient worlds in what could become one of the first hit genres of virtual reality. (ABC)

Laos dam collapse: Survivors recount the horror


Scores were killed and thousands left homeless after a dam collapsed in Laos, the tiny landlocked nation that is determined to become "the battery of Southeast Asia".

'Big Mum'

Malaysian opposition wins spectacular upset

Few expected that after more than six decades of one party rule and an election riddled with irregularities that Malaysia would change government.

As Vietnam clamps down,

Hanoi activist sings out

Phnom Penh transforming overnight with foreign investment - David Boyle

Vietnam is locking up government critics with ever increasing zeal. But that wont stop Mai Khoi from directly challenging them through her music at underground gigs.

Malaysia's PM seeks to implement reforms, restore country's reputation

'Big Mum'

In one his first interviews after a spectacular upset election victory, 92-year-old Mahathir Mohamad says his first 20 years in office were easy compared to what lies ahead.

Wife of slain Cambodian political activist seeks asylum in Australia

'Big Mum'

Bou Rachana is understandably scared to return to Cambodia. Her husband, a political commentator, was gunned down in broad daylight in very suspicious circumstances.

Hundreds of commune chiefs face expulsion months into job

Indonesia prepares for another dangerous fire season - David Boyle

As the Cambodian government moves to dissolve the opposition months after it won hundreds of commune seats even its own councilor lament the anti-democratic move

Cambodian Virtual Reality Helps Train Bomb-disposal Techs

Deputy gov caught bashing bystander - David Boyle

VR and AR apps developed in Phnom Penh teleport trainee bomb disposal techs into high-stress real wolrd scenarios where they can learn rapid risk assessment safely.

Saving the rain forest from illegal palm oil plantations

Sving the rain forest from illegal palm oil plantations - David Boyle

When Rudi Putra finds illegal palm oil plantations, he reaches for his chainsaw. I spent some time on patrol with the incredibly brave conservationist for AJ PLUS.


Short web docs

News packages


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Video journalism


Commercial videos

Commercial videos

Selected videos

Let's talk about money


Let's talk about money: Saving - David Boyle

Part one of a six episode public service announcement campaign made for the NGO Good Return in association with the National Bank of Cambodia.

Ageing Cambodia

Aeging Cambodia - David Boyle

Camera animation through photos broken into layers and distributed across 3D space was used to breathe life into this slideshow for the World Health Organization.

Ready to ride

Ready to ride - David Boyle

There's no shortage of rev-heads in Cambodia and nothing excites them more than showing off their machines in this 238 km ride from Phnom Penh to the coast. 

More commercial videos

The examples above are intended to represent the variation in the commercial projects I've worked on recently. In the past decade I've worked on scores of corporate videos, initially as an editor with the production company Kine Grafitti but more recently as an independent freelancer based in Asia - often collaborating with other filmmakers in the region. If you're interested in learning more about my commercial work and the people I collaborate with, please contact me via the form below.


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Phnom Penh, Cambodia


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